Unimaginable Narrow Estuaries

Ash and Dust Down River
The Book of Common Prayer
tells us it’s all ash and dust. Yet we know
in our saliva that life begins in wetness,
swamp and muck, hot breath,
mouth full of watery moans,
slippery fingers and tongues, oceanic
crashes, explosion of semen
into dark fallopian creeks, that viscous
egg sac, rush of amniotic fluid, the bloody
crowning, vernix and red streaked
plasma clinging to the wailing newborn
sliding into humid air,
an amphibian at the breast,
milk dribbling down the chin, wet
diapers, dripping nose, rivulets of tears
flowing down the river
of dreams all the way
to the end, as if there is an end to dreams
in airless wooden boxes passing through
flames or disappearing
in earth, dry and sandy, rich and loamy,
it doesn’t matter, water
always prevails, dark clouds floating
across the sky, rains flooding
thirsty plains, seeping into
cracks becoming underground aquifers,
pooling in deep crevasses of the dripping
planetary soul as we paddle
unimaginable narrow estuaries of eternity,
bending back willow
branches, leaning over gunwales, reaching
down beyond any arm’s length
into the steamy muck, handfuls
of life dripping through our cupped fingers
—SL, Port Royal, SC, January 2023

Steven, you have hit a stride that has opened a door to the beauty of your soul. Having little outside direction and knowing the highway you travel so well now has fermented your words into eloquent insights. Songs of life that have aged into truths that may be ignored until the need for understanding why we are where we are become imperative.