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The Bread of Life

A Passing Lightness of Being


One morning you open your eyelids, sit up in bed

and in that solitary moment feel lighter, the heavy   

weight you’d been carrying around for six months


lifted off your shoulders, and when you glance

around the dim bedroom, you notice a sack of flour

leaning against the far wall, next to a door leading to


a bright kitchen that has appeared out of memory,

your beloved lost boy at the marble counter

making bread from the flour you’d been lugging


around, kneading the dough as if it’s the aching

muscles in your back, loaf upon loaf slid into the oven,

cooling on racks, carried into a familiar dining room


where everyone you love is seated at a long table,

and behind them, trailing off through infinity mirrors

of lost time, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends


you thought had dropped their napkins on chairs

and wandered off, now sitting there in reflection, each

tearing off a heel of the sweet bread of your sorrow,


holding it up as a blessing you don’t have language

to transcribe, though you know this is no dream,

no delusion, no phony literary device, no fearful lie


told over eons by faithless men in robes and silly hats,

this (this!) is a poem, truth divined, kneaded, baked

by your sweet boy for you to chew on into eternity


                        —SL, May 2024, Port Royal, SC

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Mary Marshall
Mary Marshall
May 15

Sitting on the sideline at the pickleball court waiting for my next game, reading this beauty and crying.

May 16
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Mary ... so grateful to know you're out there--and in here. (And I hope you won the next match ....)


margarita meyendorff
margarita meyendorff
May 15

A beautiful moment - we have to hang on to those...

May 16
Replying to

As ever, as always, Mourka, thank you. Thank you!


Teesha Johnson
Teesha Johnson
May 15

Into the next room …

Thank you for letting us glimpse your walk. It is a gift.

May 16
Replying to

So good, so heartening, to know you're walking alongside of me, Teesha!


Wendy Townsend
Wendy Townsend
May 15

Struggling here with my stuff, almost marked this to read later, then thought better and gave over and so glad I did. Why do we need to be reminded again and again of what matters. ...Of course, the alligator pic helped to draw me in.

May 16
Replying to

Thank you, dear friend! You should come down here sometime ... I'm coming around to understanding how fascinating alligators actually are. Dozens of gator babies in the pond nearby.


Michael Halminski
Michael Halminski
May 15

I wonder what the Tricolored herons would think of this.

May 16
Replying to

Me too! Though I'm pretty sure they're not overthinking any of it. Same with these woodstorks, just watching it all move along.

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