Rte 25, Newtown, CT, 2022
Updated: Sep 11, 2022
Ghostly Tornados
But where shall wisdom be found?
and where is the place of understanding
Job 28:12
Another sunny Labor Day weekend,
a new baby In the family, last year’s
health scare a dusky memory
as we slow down on Main Street, pass
little changed here a decade down
the road, always the same
handfuls of dirt tossed in my dry mouth
an ache so deep I can’t grip the steering
wheel, too weak to brake before
such overwhelming sadness gets shoved
aside, year after year, kicked
to the asphalt by a dust storm of rage
hopping the curb and careening through
pedestrians screaming like kindergartners
until I spot the sign for Upper Stepney,
founded 1720, ghostly tornados receding
in the rearview mirror as we speed off
toward the coast, blue skies, red umbrellas,
white sails on the horizon, Addie handing me
a cold drink to wash the grit from my teeth,
her sweet as rain kids, the tide, rushing
into my anguished embrace.
–SL, New Paltz, NY, September 2022
I am glad that you ended with something positive and life-affirming. Dealing with such an awful incomprehensible event in a poem is difficult at best; I admire and applaud your effort.