Father’s Day 2024
Lone Sailboat Under Cumulous Clouds
Something opens our wings
We had headed across the Hudson
to Poet’s Walk, four of us,
elbow to elbow
wandering through swaying meadow
grasses to a rise overlooking
the tidal river
when Auden’s lament blew in
on an uninvited breeze,
that sorrowful
invocation to stop all the clocks,
stopping me on the trail, so
tempting to lie down
in the golden grass, close my eyes
against the blistering sun
and never get up
when a tiny swallow was flushed
from a nest box beside the path
swooping down
the steep hill toward a lone sailboat
under cumulous clouds
where I found wind
enough to drift ahead to my family,
angelic in their anguish, smiles
greeting me,
not knowing where I’d gone,
drifting across shadows
on sparkling water
—SL, 15 July 2024, New Paltz, NY

May the sails of your words fill and the captain of your soul toss his compass into the sea.
Thanks for taking me up and down this trip with you all. Love this piece, Steve.