One Week Away

What does it say about us
when 74 million honest and faithful citizens
place trust in a con man they must know
in their hearts to be a heartless liar?
And then what does it say about us
in this crumbling fortress of democracy
that half the country will vote for a mercenary
who would sell out our sacred Constitution?
And next, what does it say about us,
a nation of courageous warriors
where so-called patriots salute
a five-time unrepentant draft dodger?
And after that, what does it say about us,
the heirs of visionary American revolutionaries,
falling in lockstep with a thin-skinned bully
who admires tyrants, dictators, and thugs?
And now what does it say about us
that so many women cheer on an adulterer,
a sexual predator who scorns every woman
that demands rights over her own body?
And finally, what does it say about us,
so many pious frauds bowing down
before a son of perdition (2 John 7;
2 Thessalonians 2; Matthew 24:24)?
Now is there anything else we need to know?
Son of perdition is too elegant a handle for a cheeto-faced shitgibbon.
My head's been spinning for years trying to figure it out. It'll be analyzed for years with no simple explanation. What a roller coaster ride, but ever since Harris stepped up as nominee, I've been more confident the orange barrel will be kicked to the curb. Shocking as it was, the MSG fiasco amplified my confidence. Now what do you about those 74 million!
How best do we reconcile this in our hearts is my question/my quest.
Too nervous to respond...although I don't feel at all part of that 74 million