On The Road
Updated: May 13, 2022

Lucinda Williams
Side 1 Track 1
I drove my car in the middle of the night
I just wanted to see you so bad
‘66 tan Beetle pinging all the way
from Cambridge on 90, 84, Wilbur Cross,
84, 81, 80, little but hog reports, country
music, radio preachers across Ohio, smoking
cigarette after cigarette until I’m cruising
past the bloody skies around Gary, Indiana,
rounding Chicago, four crushed packs
of red bullseyes on the passenger floor,
one more to go to get to Madison where
I pull up to the curb on Vilas Avenue and …
of course, I can’t I won’t say what happened
over the next 24 hours except it was all of
24 hours and, just to be clear, it was not why
some people think a boy drives 18 hours
only to wake up a day later and get back
on the highway, Beetle pinging through
another half carton of Luckys, hog reports,
country music, radio preachers, Rip Van Winkle
Bridge, Mass Pike, Mass Ave., middle
of the night falling onto a mattress
on the unmopped linoleum floor, waking hours
later for coffee, more cigarettes, metallic taste
in my mouth as I cross the Charles to Brookline,
my college dropout job, where I give notice,
cancel the lease on the basement apartment,
the T rattling dirty plates in the sink, and me,
5 days later, ripping up dozens of parking tickets,
leaving keys on the wobbly formica table, driving
past the Weld Boathouse, across the Charles,
Beetle pinging up the ramp to I-90, accelerating
into something called the rest of my life
—SL, Port Royal, SC, May 2022
Ahhh the 60's.....weren't we lucky to be alive in those times....thanks for the memories.
Road Trip! Long one. Good music. Fine poetry