In a Barn Cat's Hiss

St. Bruce of Cragswood
Cold, drizzly outside my October window, puddles in previously unseen ruts along the long shale drive, leaves near
death drooping from shagbark hickories
maples, oaks. Better to stay inside, wait
until the sun returns tomorrow or the next
day to walk into the stained glass autumn
nave, dappled reds, yellows, an orange halo
hanging over this quiet dead end road under
the cliffs, coyotes fisher cats groundhogs field
mice on the move regardless of weather,
creatures who know the unwritten scriptures
of the forest in their wet fur, on their tongues,
in their sharp teeth, beasts who live the golden
rule of survival in these non-denominational
woods, none claiming to know the one
way, the only way, to the water hole, the next
meal, a warm dry safe place for the night.
But I don’t stay inside. I bundle up against
the damp to offer what some call devotions
to this chilly pageant of confusion, breath and death
outside my window pane, wandering along
the curving drive to a rise among the pines,
stepping through mud, decomposing leaves, pine
needles, over wilted ferns, twigs, fallen limbs,
to the dog and cat graveyard, where, hands
in pockets, I reminisce with the pure souls all
around me: sweet Emma Duckdog, crazy Belle,
smelly Sandals, Gloria “Plumpy” Lewis, Sammy
the cat who would leap out from behind a tree
to scare little Elizabeth on her way to the bus,
every blessed one of them beneath my feet:
brilliant Janie, beautiful Azalea, Deion, stalker
of small beasts, nasty Rachel, purring on my lap
into her last breath, and though there is no stone
here for our mangy barn cat, missing teeth, part
of an ear, who never let us near, who passed into
mud all alone in these chilly unsanctified woods,
it is he I commune with today in this family
boneyard, St. Bruce of Cragswood, who kept his own
company, never betrayed a soul, even his own,
who told us through every warning hiss You can
feed me if you’d like, but you can’t be a saint
if you want to be a saint.
—SL, October 2022, New Paltz, NY
A bittersweet tribute to animals, pets, autumn, and to St. Bruce.
As an animal lover, thank you for this!
Thank you for this heart warming release and gentle nudge to "never [betray] a soul', even my own.