From the Flip Side/Full Moon Fever
Side 2, Track 5
I remember her standing in the tall grass and cattails
I do remember her standing naked, tall grass
and cattails, basement apartment in Cambridge,
staring out a grimy window at skirts, shoes
passing on Mass. Ave., my breath stopped
by the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen.
Fifty-four years later, I’m the one staring out
a window at bird feeders, swings, winter garden,
forest as far as I can see, and she is bundled up
against the bitter cold, blue sky, snow-covered
lawn, standing on tiptoes, reaching up to feed
some white throated sparrows, long white hair
blowing in the breeze, finches swooping in
from beyond the frozen treeline of this sanctuary
below the cliffs, all of them blessedly unaware
of this breathless boy watching from behind.
—SL, New Paltz, NY, January 2022

A “sanctuary below the cliffs“ indeed!
Love this