- write4hire
From A Leaky Inner Tube
I Go Back …
For my warrior friends
in Hastings and Rowayton
to read some poems I wrote in 2020, when a snowmelt of words came rushing over slick algae-covered boulders down the mountain
past the treehouse I built
for the kids in ‘85,
glugging on toward
the river as ever, as ever,
ever to the sea, waves
crashing onshore,
17 grandkids romping
in the surf, cormorants
flying out beyond breakers,
the endless arc of sky
and water where I float
farther and further
from shore in a slowly
leaking inner tube, messages
in bottles bobbing in the blue
as blue Gulf Stream,
buoys marking invisible
coordinates across watery time,
but when I reach over to grab
one by the neck and yank out
the cork with my teeth,
my disembodied voice aloft
in salt air, I can’t figure how
those words got in the bottles,
where I was when I wrote them,
what I keep trying to say,
why I keep saying it.
—SL, began Port Royal, SC, 10.22
finished New Paltz, NY, 11.22
Whoosh! XOXO 😘
Yesss! Whoosh.